Sunday, February 11, 2007

Precious Baby

He loves to suck on his fingers!!!

The pacifier is as big as his face...

Since we have been home we have had many visitors come and see our little bundle of joy. We have been having so much fun with him and we just can't get enough of him. I could just stare at him for hours and hours. And it is so crazy how much Ethan looks like Larrs. I did all that hard work for 9 months and he doesn't look a thing like me. However, I think he has my nose and ears. Maybe the next one will look like me.


ThirtySomethingMamma said...

Ethan is SO adorable! Thank you for creating this blog...what a wonderful way to stay updated! Give Big E a hug for us!

Bri Guy said...

Lol, Big E, I like that.