Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Birthday Boy

Ethan is one! The year has gone by so quickly and filled with many memories. Larrs' Aunt Lynn watches Ethan a couple times a week and has just been a blessing to us throughout Ethan's first year. We really appreciate all that she has done for us and Ethan. Ethan went to her house this morning and opened a gift (which of course was a fire truck)! He was so excited he was bouncing and making a lot noise. Then later in the day he made a cake with Aunt Lynn, he was so excited about the cake he dipped his fingers into the frosting! Yummy!
Later that day we went to see Dr. Rubin for his 12 month checkup. It went pretty well, he has grown taller over the last few months. Ethan is now 29 1/2 inches long (45% percentile up from 15% percentile) , but is only 19 pounds 3 ounces (6% percentile down from 10% percentile) . I swear I am feeding the kid, he is just burning up all the calories with how active he is! So now we have to keep him on the formula until 15 months and starting feeding him more of our dinners. Then, as the doctor was checking his ears she asks me, "Did he have a cold?". I said "No, I don't think he did." Well apparently he has a ear infection...Oh boy! What a bad mom I am! Yikes! Well despite how awful I felt Ethan was as happy as a clam!

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