Ethan and Aidan's party went off without a hitch! We had such a great time visiting with family and friends. It was wonderful to see everyone and for us to show off our beautiful boys. Ethan is already two, but is growing each and everyday. He is extremely active and loves to keep us on our toes. Ethan loved the bounce house at the party, he was jumping and climbing on all the things inside. Aidan didn't go in the bounce house but was able to visit with the great-grandparents and great-great aunt!!
Ethan is your typical two year old boy! He loves to run, jump, and on occasion throw tantrums. He is starting to talk more and can tell us what he wants which is nice. However when he is upset he is unable to tell us anything. I am still figuring him out. He may look like Larrs but he is me. I guess I am getting back what I gave to my parents, it has come full circle. Yikes! Ethan loves Aidan (or Ian) as he calls him, he loves to help get a binkie, diaper, or anything else he can find to help his little brother. Ethan has some coined phrase, here a couple of my favorite:
"Oh, No!!!"
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