Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting Older & Bigger

Looks like a model
Aidan sleeping at the zoo...ZZZ...
First smile caught on camera

Cutie Pie ....
Here are some updated pictures of the boys, they are getting bigger by the day! We have been enjoying our time together as a family the past couple of weeks! I am sad to go back to work in a week...Aidan is growing like a weed, he is much longer and bigger than Ethan! He is just starting to smile and is cooing a bunch! He is such a little sweetie!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cousin Visit and Aidan 2 Month Stats

My Monkey...

Ethan and Dylan

Look at that innocent face...

Uncle Jim with Aidan

Aunt Jenny with Aidan

The Cousin's playing together

Last weekend, we had our cousin's out for the day! It was great to see Jim, Jenny, and Gracie. They were able to meet Aidan and also get to play with Ethan. We don't get to see them all that much so this was a nice treat and we are so thankful that they came down to see us. We are looking forward to seeing them in 2 months for Gracie's second birthday! We are so excited about that!!!
On Monday, little Aidan got his first set of shots! It was so sad, he cried alot. Poor thing, he also got a little fever and his legs were very sore. The doctor says that he looks like Ethan but with bigger cheeks. Last week I noticed that alot of Aidan's clothes seemed to be getting to short for him, I found this weird because he is only 2 months and already outgrowing his 0-3 month clothes. Ethan was in these clothes until 4 months. So I had a feeling he was going to be measuring long at the appointment. Here are his stats:
7 pounds 9 ounces(50% percentile)
23 1/2 inches(75% perecentile)
At this point Ethan only weighed 7 pounds and was 22 1/2 inches long. So I was right Aidan is a little bit bigger than Ethan. I guess he will be the bigger little brother!!!

Birthday Party

The Cake (So Yummy)

The Toddler Bounce House

Grandma with her two grandsons with Aunt Lois and Uncle Art

My Precious Angel

I Love Frosting!!!

Happy Boy in the Bounce House

After the party...

Big Guy!!!

Ethan and Aidan's party went off without a hitch! We had such a great time visiting with family and friends. It was wonderful to see everyone and for us to show off our beautiful boys. Ethan is already two, but is growing each and everyday. He is extremely active and loves to keep us on our toes. Ethan loved the bounce house at the party, he was jumping and climbing on all the things inside. Aidan didn't go in the bounce house but was able to visit with the great-grandparents and great-great aunt!!
Ethan is your typical two year old boy! He loves to run, jump, and on occasion throw tantrums. He is starting to talk more and can tell us what he wants which is nice. However when he is upset he is unable to tell us anything. I am still figuring him out. He may look like Larrs but he is me. I guess I am getting back what I gave to my parents, it has come full circle. Yikes! Ethan loves Aidan (or Ian) as he calls him, he loves to help get a binkie, diaper, or anything else he can find to help his little brother. Ethan has some coined phrase, here a couple of my favorite:
"Oh, No!!!"