Thursday, March 15, 2007

Shots, Yuck!

Ethan had his first round of shots on Tuesday. It was really horrible to watch! He was poked three times, two on one leg and one on the other. I was so happy Larrs came with me because he helped me and Ethan. What a good husband and daddy. He did not have a fever, but he did sleep a lot during the day. So Ethan is healthy and growing. He now weighs 11 pounds (30% percentile) and 22 1/2 inches long (35% percentile). I just can't believe how big he has gotten. I look at his newborn clothes and can't believe he used to wear them. Also, he is becoming a good sleeper at night averaging about 6 hours. So all in all things are going great and we are enjoying seeing him grow each day.


Bri Guy said...

It's nice to see that Ethan received his rabies and flea shots. Now he will be able to play with other dogs right?

Jana said...

6 hours!??!!!???? I am jealous! What is your secret? Please tell me!