Well, sorry I have not updated in a long time. I have been extremely busy with finishing up the last of things at work for my maternity leave and with having little to no energy when I get home from work. I have not been feeling all that great with the final weeks of preganancy in full force. Aidan is sittitng very low in my pelvis area and is causing lots of pressure. He is scheduled to be born C-Section on January 7th, so we will keep you updated on the goings on of the new little boy.
On to the good stuff, Ethan and us have been keeping very busy. In early November we went down to San Diego for a wedding. While there we took him to the San Diego Zoo and to Seaport Village. He loved to see all the animals, enough though he called them all "doggies". Well he did call the monkies "mommies". Wonderful! Ethan is a very curious boy and is not afraid to try anything.
For Thanksgiving we went up to Big Bear for the holiday, we drove up Tuesday night and stayed through Sunday. It was a real relaxing weekend, it was great to take it easy with so many adults to watch after Ethan. Ethan loved playing outside with Daddy, and wanted to help Daddy rake the leaves and shovel. He is such a boy, he wants to be in the action of what the boys are doing. He loves boy toys!
I also took Ethan 2 weekends ago to visit Santa, I was fully prepared that he would not like him. Ethan saw Santa and Santa waved at him, Ethan looked so petrafied but did manage to wave back at him cautiously. It was so funny! When it was our turn he didn't want to go on Santa's lap, but we put him down there anyway. He kicked off his shoes becuase he was so upset, but didn't really cry all that much. So it wasn't too bad, next year should be interesting with the the two boys.
Also, another big change we made here was transitioning Ethan from a crib to the toddler bed to a twin bed in a matter of 3 weeks. The night we got home from Thanksgiving he spent his first night in the toddler bed, he only got out of his bed 4 times! This was a shock to us because we had to put a tent over his crib to keep him in there. I thought for sure he would be up many times and would be taking things out of his drawers and destroying his room. He stayed in the toddler bed for about 3 weeks and then we put him in the twin bed and in the new bedroom. He did great!!! I am so happy that we did all this before Aidan arrives, he loves his new bed and room.
He loves his room so much yesterday, he did not want to go down for a nap, he took every book off his bookshelf and proceeded to take all the wipes out of the container and empty his diaper drawer. If that was not enough he took his pants and the diaper he was wearing off. I thought I should go in the room because he was having way to much fun, the first thing he said when I opened the door was "Poopie". That was too funny! So mommy cleaned the mess up and put him down again.
Thank you for looking at our update, I promise that I will not forgot about the blog again. I will hopefully post our Christmas pictures, but you probably will not see a post until Adian is born in early January.